Time / Travel Portal


  • Timesheet – Recording:

    Timekeeping issues account for the majority of audit findings by the DCAA. Failure to meet DCAA requirements can result in delayed payment and refusal of future contract awards.

    DCAA requires documentation showing that all hours worked for all employees (direct and indirect) are recorded.

  • DCAA Compliance Requires:

    • Daily recording of time by job assignment.

    • An audit trail for any and all changes to timesheets.

    • Supervisor review and approval of all time charges.

  • Business Expense Reports – Include:

    • Purpose of trip.

    • Cost objectives (accounts) to be charged.

    • Audit trail including, dates, places, and amounts.

    • Documentation of Incurred costs (receipts).

    Compliance with per diem allowance rules. (Check your own Company’s policies, too.)

  • Partial Day Travel Per Diem:

    • First and last day of trip, limit is 75% of M&IE allowance.

    • Does not matter what time you leave/arrive.

    • Rate is determined by day’s destination city.